Elzbieta (Ela) Geske Memorial Scholarship Fund

Elzbieta (Ela) Geske 6/27/1980 - 7/52020

Elzbieta (Ela) Geske 6/27/1980 - 7/5/2020

Elzbieta (Ela) Geske Memorial Scholarship Fund

Ela Geske was a true light in this world, embodying the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, selflessly sharing love, grace, and light with everyone she met. Ela completed Spirit Rising’s Level 1 Teacher Training program in 2013. After completing her teacher training, she dedicated herself to teaching Kundalini yoga on a weekly basis and was an inspiration to her students, sharing Yogi tea, her gong, and her joy with students at every class. Ela was always seeking to learn, grow, and improve herself. She loved to garden, paint, cook, and read, but most important to her was her beloved husband, John, and her friends and family.

Ela fell ill unexpectedly just after her 40th birthday and left her body peacefully in the comfort of her own home in July 2020.

Her spirit lives on through the Golden Chain of teachers and this scholarship is dedicated to furthering her mission. To honor her legacy, the Spirit Rising Foundation has established the Ela Geske Memorial Scholarship Fund. Contributions to this fund will assist aspiring Kundalini Yoga teachers to participate in the Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course by providing needed financial support in meeting tuition costs. The scholarship covers a significant portion of the tuition of a trainee who, for financial reasons, would otherwise not be able to participate in the program and who have committed to completing the seva requirements of this scholarship, including providing classes to underserved communities.



Za życia zwyczajność i prostota Eli transformowała wszystko w nadzwyczajność i wyjątkowość. The Spirit Rising Foundation jej imieniem Ela Geske Memorial Scholarship Fund jest uhonorowaniem jej wzrostu świadomości i szukania siebie przez Kundalini Yogę. Wszystkie donacje na cel fundacji będą przekazywane dla studentów którzy chcą dołączyć do grupy nauczycieli Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga była bardzo bliska Eli sercu. Od ukończenia treningu w 2013 promowała i uczyła Kundalini Yogę. Mimo że Eli nie ma wśród nas jej obecność jest ciagle żywa a fundacja pod jej patronatem jest tego przykładem.