Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is known as the Yoga of Awareness. It is a comprehensive and effective school of yoga. It incorporates breath-work, posture, meditation, mantra and deep relaxation with the goal of awakening the kundalini. The practice of kundalini yoga is focused on developing and nurturing our subtler sides, emphasizing the nervous system and mind.

Patanjali’s second sutra states the goal of yoga is “the control of the thought waves”, the cessation of the churning of the thoughts and identifying those thoughts as reflections of the self. Kundalini yoga aims to empower us to experience stillness and live with an attitude of gratitude. Building inner strength and self-awareness to its maximum, so we can reach our highest potential.

For many who may have practiced yoga, they find that Kundalini Yoga is unique in its capacity to include so many of the diverse elements of the ancient teachings of yoga, for example integrating the use of sound (mantras and the gong), breathing techniques (pranayama), body posture (asana), hand positions (mudras) and meditation. Due to this breadth it is intended as a contemplative and self-reflective practice.

As our society becomes increasingly more dependent on technology, our world becomes more intimately connected and influenced by its numerous cultures. The pace of change is on the rise and the stress on our body’s nervous system is increasing. The science of Kundalini Yoga allows us to tap into a system, which Shiva Singh Khalsa likes to call “the most recently revealed ancient technology”, to help us cope with this escalating demand. The inner science of the mind is the tool enables us to cope with the pressure of these changes. It is the mind that interprets our outer and inner worlds and it is the mind that we can and, frankly, must train to guide us through the flow of change.

Kundalini Yoga can give you the experience of being your original self.
Unfortunately, amid today’s hectic schedule, many of us have forgotten who we are and why we are here. There is only so much wisdom you can get out of a book, but wisdom cannot sustain you. Wisdom only becomes knowledge once you have experienced it. Kundalini Yoga opens you to the experience that we are “spiritual beings having a human experience not human beings having a spiritual experience”; and then you can experience the infinite joy, health, and happiness, which is our birthright

For Beginners - Exalted not Exhausted!
We welcome you to attend classes and other events. If you are a beginning student, go at a pace that suits your flexibility and endurance. As you feel more comfortable with the exercises you will find the more you relax the more natural class becomes. There is no pressure in Kundalini Yoga to push the body too far; there should be no pain or fear of judgement. We say “Keep up and you will be kept up!” Approach class with an attitude of gratitude and the benefits happen.

How do I prepare for a kundalini yoga class?

It is said all you need to have to attend a Kundalini Yoga class is the will to transform. All are welcome! No experience necessary!

  • Since we are now also having classes using Zoom, we suggest you set yourself in as private a space as possible, making sure that children and pets won’t distract you or others in the class.

  • We invite all to participate to the best of their ability. We can always provide appropriate modifications.

  • We suggest not eating a heavy meal 1-2 hours before class. If you must eat something, eat a piece of fruit or something light.

  • There is no particular "dress code" for a Kundalini Yoga class. Comfortable loose fitting clothing works best. (Often you may notice long time students wear white clothes, as a part of color , but it is not required)

  • We welcome you if you are pregnant or menstruating. Though we recommend keeping to gentler practices to no over-exert yourself.

  • Please note that it is not appropriate to ever practice Kundalini Yoga intoxicated or high on recreational drugs.

A typical Kundalini Yoga session follows this format:

1.    Tuning in with the opening Mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
2.    Breathe and Movement/Opening the Channels
3.    Main Kriya, a set of exercises geared towards specific results
4.    Deep relaxation, sometimes accompanied by the Gong
5.    Meditation - Consolidating the energy of the class in a Meditation practice
6.    Closing affirmation

Here are some practices you will experience in a typical Kundalini Yoga class.

Pranayama, The Science of Breathing
The yogic technology of natural breath is called Pranayama. Kundalini Yoga incorporates conscious the breathing as a practice in itself and through out a class. "Body follows the mind, mind follows the breath" The following are the most commonly used breathing techniques in Kundalini Yoga:

Long Deep Breathing.
Natural Yogic breathing is also known as diaphragmatic breathing. It uses the respiratory system in the most effective and natural manner for relaxation, energizing and improving our meditation skills.

Breath of Fire
A signature practice in Kundalini Yoga is the Breath of Fire, a rapid balanced breath with equal emphasis on the inhalation and the exhalation. It is excellent to support the asanas and is very cleansing and energizing. It is similar to Long Deep Breathing, just more rapid.

How to hold the breath (Suspend) 
Breath suspension will make your body operate at a higher level of efficiency. This is a simple skill. Inexperienced students when holding the breath will pull the chin in, tighten the neck and throat muscles and stiffen the tongue.  The correct way to hold the breath in or out is to suspend the breathing mechanism. To suspend the breath means to relax the muscles of the diaphragm, ribs and abdomen responsible for the constant flow of the breath.

Alternate Nostril Breathing
Alternate Nostril Breathing - Nadi Sodhan - This simple pranayama is a basic yogic breath practice. Consciously alternating your breath between either nostril allows you to activate and access your whole brain. Engaging both hemispheres of the brain affects the glandular system and mood.  

Right Nostril Breathing & Left Nostril Breathing

The Science of Body Postures (Asana)

Most Yoga systems include Asana as a part of their practice. In Kundalini Yoga we practice familiar yoga asanas as well as dynamic movement. We sometimes hold a posture or can move rhythmically in and out of the posture.

The Science of Body Locks/Bandhas
There are certain combinations of muscle contractions, Bandhas, to hold the body steady and still. They also direct the flow of subtle energy and prana in our bodies.

Jalandhara Banda: Neck Lock, is the most common of the Bhands and really helps in meditation and breathing. It refers to a gentle stretching of the back of the neck so the chin slides back towards the throat.

Mool Bhand: Root Lock pulling the Pelvic floor muscles and the Navel Point, the muscles above the Pelvic Bone and below the Umbilicus/Belly Button. It helps stabilize the lower spine and manage energy.

Uddiyana Bhand: Diaphragm Lock, stretches the respiratory diaphragm upwards, normally applied on the exhalation and gently massages the heart muscles and stabilizes the upper spine.

Maha Bhand: The application of all three locks all at the same time. When you apply this lock,  the nerves and glands are rejuvenated.

The Science of the Sound Current – Mantra
“Man” means mind; “Tra” means to tune the vibration and projection. In Kundalini Yoga classes we use a variety of Mantras that have various affects. We provide Mantra sheets when necessary. We always like to remind students that the body is 65% water and water really responds to sound. We use appropriate music, both recorded and live in class as well as the Gong. In Kundalini Yoga class the Gong can create a marvelous experience used in relaxation, meditation and healing.

These mantras are used in every Kundalini Yoga class:


Adi Mantra
I bow to the Source of all, I bow to the Teacher within
This mantra is chanted before we begin each Kundalini Yoga session. It is chanted three times. It connects and reminds us of the Teacher within us, and helps transition from our daily activities to the sacred space of the class.

The hands are in Prayer Mudra, with the palms together with the sides of the thumbs the center of the chest, about two fingers above the notch at the end of sternum, known as the Mind Nerve (Mana Nadi).

ONG (the Source of all): vibrated towards the brow.
NAMO (reverential attitude of gratitude)
GURU (GU - Darkness, RU - Light): The Technology of Consciousness, that which brings us from darkness to awareness.
DEV (transparent): The Teacher, within.

We close each Kundalini Yoga class with this song. It blesses everyone, seals off the class and brings a peace of mind. It is a traditional Irish Blessing. We sing it twice.
May the long time sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on

Truth, what is real, is my Identity.
This is a Bij Mantra, or “Seed” Mantra and has a profound effect on the subconscious mind. We chant a long Sat, short Naam after the Long Time Sunshine song. (It sounds much like "but Mom".)

What is the Kundalini energy?

The Kundalini energy is described as a dormant awareness in a person, a healthy natural quality, our own spiritual energy that takes away duality, that which makes us feel separate and alone, instead of All-One. When the Kundalini is active only in the lower chakras we have only a finite experience. Like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, we only live for survival. When it is distributed through all the chakras, the entire subtle nervous system we can experience the unbroken flow of Pure Consciousness of Infinity. The ancient writing Bhagavata-purana II.10.6, describes liberation as “simply the Spiritual Self dwelling in its own nature".

We like to say that once in a while a little “kundalini seeps" into the higher centers we have everyday experiences of joy, calmness, peace of mind, oneness or the bliss at the sight of our newborn's smile. Otherwise people can live lonely and separate, suffer in life; it is dull, drab and lackluster.

Kundalini Yoga and other forms of yoga

The goal of all Yoga practices is to know the unknown and see the unseen, and have an exalted experience through controlling the thought waves. Students typically point out the following about the Kundalini Yoga experience: it emphasizes and incorporates the awareness and mastery of the breath, Pranayama, the practice of Sound and Mantra, including the use of the Gong. Creating Community and Group Consciousness is valued and encouraged as well as community selfless service called seva. The remedy is community!

Kundalini Yoga is a “householder” Aquarian practice shared with all without exclusion. There are no secret teachings or secret mantras. Nor is there an initiation process, everyone is self-initiated. Each session of Kundalini Yoga begins with tuning in using Adi Mantra, the chant that links us with our higher self and the Golden Chain and complete the practice with an affirmation/personal prayer called the "Long Time Sunshine Song". 

Kundalini Yoga uses familiar asanas as well as sophisticated movements and exercises to achieve specific body-mind-spirit goals. One can be in various ranges of physical fitness to experience benefits from a Kundalini Yoga Class.

What’s with all the white?

Shiva Singh Khalsa shared that in the early ‘70’s he asked, as a Kundalini Yoga teacher, “Do we have to wear Indian clothes?” The response was “Wear clean white cotton.” How a person dresses is a personal choice. For Kundalini Yoga Teachers it is part of our “uniform”.

We do encourage students to wear white clothing of natural fibers, but don’t require it, when attending class since it is a science of color therapy and effects you energetically. For example it can strengthen your projection and become a tool to help you expand your consciousness. What you choose to wear should be based on what someone else thinks or to look a certain way to gain attention, rather as a tool for consciousness. Yogic technology teaches you can expand your aura and increase your openness and neutrality by wearing graceful clothing that is white, made from natural fibers.  An expanded aura creates a powerful interface between you and your environments. The spectrum of light energy that makes up the color white contains the energies of all colors. By wearing white, all the colors are available to support and enhance the aura and the eight chakras. 

As a Yoga Teacher elegant, white clothing makes you visible to people. It gives you impact and projection. Dressing in white can expand your projection and your energy, more than when you dress like everyone else. The impact and projection says to someone, “This person is different. I’ve got to talk to this person. Maybe this person can help me.”

Where did yoga come from?

Happiness is our birthright. The practices for expanding our awareness, experiencing our oneness and fulfilling our life’s purpose we call Yoga have no religious or national boundaries. This technology of consciousness and healthy living is a compendium of knowledge studied, practiced and compiled over thousands of years. Its recent introduction to the West came from India.

Yoga has been called a “black science” as it originally came from the part of Africa that is now Ethiopia before the continents shifted millennia ago!

Why is Kundalini represented in books by a snake?

In the theory of kundalini yoga, the goal of yogic practice the word applies to the life force that lies like a coiled serpent at the base of the spine and that can be sent along the spine to the head through prescribed postures and exercises.

Is yoga a religion?

Yoga predates religion and is a means of fulfilling the urge to merge that exists within each of us. Yoga has been described as the laboratory of religion. The essence of Kundalini Yoga is rooted in the experience of Expanded Consciousness. Most faith traditions arose from the expanded consciousness of a person who attempted to share their awakening. Unfortunately people were taught to worship the person rather than the teachings. Over the years we see practitioners gain deeper understanding of their own faith traditions. As any spiritual practice as roots in various traditions, many of the mantras we use are from the Sikh tradition and reflects a universal view of life and consciousness.

What’s this about a “kundalini awakening”?

Kundalini yoga creates a safe and balanced environment for transformation and personal growth. Yogic anatomy identifies 72,000 energy meridians, called nadis in the body. The primary three are the ida, pingala and sushumna, intertwining along the spinal column.

When through consistent practice the ida and pingala merge, the sushumna or central channel will be clear and the kundalini may rise from the base of the spine, where it normally lays dormant. Thus we are simply clearing the blocks which allow our natural, everyday energy of consciousness and awareness to be fully realized.

This process can occur suddenly, over many years, many times, maybe only once. It also looks different for everyone though many people report a sensation of euphoria and enlightenment. Others will describe the experience as overwhelming or stressful, often to an overflow of energy and information. The only way to insulate oneself from such an experience is to have a rich and steady practice to ground and secure the sense of self.

Will practicing yoga conflict with my current spiritual beliefs?

Anyone can practice yoga without limiting, abandoning or changing their faith tradition. Many of our students and teachers have spiritual beliefs that are completely unaffiliated with the Hindu faith which yoga originates from. In fact for most people the practices of yoga enhance their own beliefs.

I’m worried that yoga isn’t accessible but I want to participate, what should I do?

We believe that any sincere effort placed into practice will aid the whole self. The physical, mental and spiritual are all intimately connected. People with physical or cognitive limitations can experience benefits from the practices of yoga through things like variations and visualizations. We happily offer adjustments to much of what we do and welcome all to make bring their sincere efforts. If you would like more information please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask!